2nd May 2024 09:22
Started a Pippenhall Members only Facebook group, I think it would be quick & easy to share information. At the moment I am the admin, but I am more than happy to add more.
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Heritage apples in oblique cordon

  • Ben
  • March 7, 2016, 1:27 p.m.

These are pruned down to a downward-facing bud and tied-in at an angle to promote lateral growth: this slows down the sap and causes the creation of more fruiting spurs in ensuing years. I sourced these apples from Keepers Nursery in Kent, who are outstanding, and while I was at it I chose three plums which overlap in fruiting times and will therefore assist each other. The plums are Opal, Jubileum, and Marjorie's Seedling. By the way - Keepers Nursery seem to sell excellent raspberry bare roots for half the price of anywhere else. I have just planted 37!


Apple Espalier with a few notes: 

Chivers' Delight - a tasty old apple. Apparently resembling both Braeburn and Cox in some respects. However I selected it because it reputedly keeps for three months, providing something for the Winter. 

Aromatic Russet    - A sharp citric russet. I chose this to counteract my experience of the saccharine, wooly Egremonts that seem to flood the shops these days  -and taste nothing like as intense and challenging as a Russet should. Those from my childhood were a light-sabre duel of sweet and acidic, an epicurean 'taste explosion' as my father calls it.

Rajka- Apparently has good disease resistance.

Adams Pearmain - A late dessert apple to give me some keepers. Oh! That might be why they call it Keepers Nursery .....

Sunset - A tasty mid-reason variety. Perhaps I should have opted for another keeper?

Pitmaston Pine Apple - reputed to taste of pineapples if you catch it at the right time! Some maintain that it has to be kept for this to develop.

Laxton's Epicure - Steve Hayes, who has posts on youtube about heritage apples, says this is very tasty.

Otava - A good modern cultivar which apparently can sometimes have elusive a hint of a strawberry-apple flavour.

Elstar - reflecting my penchant for sweet/sharp flavours as opposed to supermarket sugar flavours.


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